Natural Gas Fires

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    How do I calculate the running costs of a gas fire or gas stove?

    To work out the running costs, simply multiply the gas consumption figures (heat inputs) by the cost per kWh given on your gas bill.

    How do I work out the efficiency of a gas fire or gas stove?

    Simply divide the maximum heat output by the maximum gas consumption (heat input).

    Should I wait for goods to arrive before commencing any building work?

    Firstly, we would always recommend that you should have a survey carried out by a Gas Safe registered gas installer, HETAS installer or qualified NICEIC electrician (whichever is applicable to the goods you intend to purchase) to check and certify the compatibility of your chimney, flue, property and or circumstances prior to purchase to avoid disappointment. We would also recommend that you should wait until you have the goods purchased, on site, in your possession to take accurate measurements from before proceeding to carry out any building work or create any apertures in the wall to avoid potential costly mistakes being made, as manufacturers reserve the right to alter products or specifications without any prior notice as required.

    Do I need to have my fire serviced regularly?

    The Health and Safety Executive, Gas Safe, British Gas, and Manufacturers of gas appliances strongly recommend they be serviced every 12 months. Some manufacturers do offer an extended warranty period on their products beyond the statutory 1 year although most will require an annual service to be done including changing specific parts in comes cases to be eligible for the extended warranty (see manufacturer’s warranty terms & conditions for further information).

    How do I decide which gas fire or stove to buy to heat my room?

    As a rough guide only, measure the room and multiply the height x width x depth (in metres), and divide this by 14 and it will provide you with the average heating requirements for the room in KW’s. Although this method is dependent on the number of windows, construction, insulation, furnishings and any double glazing in the room. We therefore strongly recommend that all gas, electric fires or stoves shown on our website be used as a supplementary form of heating and not as a sole source of heat in any room.

    If I don’t have mains gas can I still have a gas fire?

    With certain products yes. As some manufacturer’s products offer (LPG) versions (Liquid Petroleum Gas), a gas that is normally supplied in either bottle or storage tank form kept outside in the garden and filled up when required by a local supplier.

    What’s the difference between “outset” and “inset” gas fires?

    Outset fires sit on the hearth outside of the fireplace opening and inset fires sit inside the fireplace opening just behind the hearth.